English presentation
eza! – answers to energy questions

The eza!-house, opened in 2002, is a show-case for demonstration, consultation and training. Formerly an old residential building in the centre of Kempten, it was renovated with support of the "High Tech Offensive Zukunft Bayern" program to provide an ideal centre for eza!`s work. The project demonstrates passive house technology in use, reducing the former energy demand for heating by 90%.

events and media work
The Old Buildings Days are a highlight in eza!`s calendar. Every year since 2000, 10.000 people visit the event that includes 100 lectures and demonstrations. The 100 exhibitors consistently report high levels of interest among its visitors. The Passive House Days are a new annual event to inform home builders and landlords about low energy houses and passive houses.

energy consultations
eza!'s core service is the field of energy consultation. In cooperation with local authorities fifty offices with independent experts provide free of charge information for the inhabitants of the Allgäu region.

partner network
More than 130 businesses in the building and energy industry, including architects, building contractors and craftsmen, belong to the eza!-partner network. Each member of the network agrees to train its own energy specialists through training seminars ogranized by eza! and to implement the quality assurance system provided by eza!.

eza! is well known as a further education institution for energy and building professionals. The most important parts of the education and training program are the "Energy Consultant Course" for craftsmen, the highly successful course "Energy Refurbishment of Buildings" for architects and engineers and the "passive house designer" course for architects . Seminars on a variety of topical subjects complete the program.
climate protection for local authorities
The main focus of the eza! climate protection program is to support and advise local authorities. The program provides local authorities with a comprehensive service in all fields of energy policy in order to improve energy efficiency and to promote renewable energy sources. Local authorities who successfully implement such policies receive do the European Energy Award®.
energy management
eza! provides services in the field of energy management for buildings, facilities and plants in order to reduce their energy consumption. Monthly consumption controls and optimising the user's behaviour - eza! assists the facility owners – mostly local authorities – to reduce their energy costs. Additional consultation services facilitate investment decisions for new buildings or renovations.